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Published on Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Four Ways Green Transit Options Can Help Towns –

Four Ways Green Transit Options Can Help Towns –

There are several cities who are toying with the idea of creating a Green transit system. This transit system would run on hybrid or biofuel-based transit options within local city limits or county limits. The concept is that Green transit options would bring several benefits to small towns across the country. The end result would be that the small transit systems would not only create localized green benefits but national green benefits as they expand out into larger areas. Here are four ways Green transit options can help towns.

Reduced Pollution

Green transit, whether it is used on a mass scale or a small-scale, can reduce pollution in the air. Take for example a hybrid vehicle. A hybrid vehicle uses alternative forms of energy rather than using fuels which are harsh to the environments and produce harmful emissions into the air. With green transit the emissions would be reduced significantly and pollution in towns would be reduced as well. There have been areas where green transit has been used on a limited basis and the results showed clear evidence that the reduced pollution just from sampling green transit was worth the effort.

Local Economy

Transit systems are generally run by city or county transit lines. By implementing a green transit option into town a city or county could increase their local economy. In many cases smaller towns do not have transit systems. This is the prime area to start green transit. Take for example a rural town. These towns generally have a small shopping area, several small residential areas and then the rest of the town may stand out into countryside or old farming communities where scattered populations live. A transit system that would run from the city to the scattered populations could be very beneficial to the local economy by bringing in more business to the economy on a regular basis, creating jobs for transit drivers and system operators as well as mechanics and by creating an ongoing sustainable income through transit fees. For some towns who are concerned with high transit fees a monthly transit fee could be arranged and is done in several major cities already using standard transit.

Cultivating Community

Green transit in rural and small-town areas can cultivate community. A green transit system that is affordable will not only bring in the local economy, create jobs and reduce pollution it can also mean that seniors and people who do not drive or are not able to drive will be able to use the transit system to get back and forth to doctors appointments, shopping and to areas within the town. This will also create volunteer positions and offer a chance for individuals who are normally secluded in more rural areas to commute to the city and become part of city activities.

Job Creation

A green transit system would create several jobs. If a town or city is hurting for employment and is seeing a high unemployment rate jobs could be created with the transit system for mechanics, drivers, terminal operators and service technicians. In fact, a green transit system could keep a city or town from facing bankruptcy like so many cities in California are currently facing.

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Author: Organic Jeff

Categories: Green Living



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