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Welcome to Go Green!
Your go to guide for sustainable living and green news around the world.

At GoGreen, it’s our aim to improve the world one story at a time by reporting environmental news that inspires readers to share and take action. Our goal is to shine light on the biggest issues in sustainability, from eco-friendly technology to animal welfare and everything in between.

At GoGreen we celebrate the ways in which humans are working to save the planet and ensure a greener future for all. We applaud companies taking steps towards greener practices, support legislation that will reduce our carbon footprint, and discoveries in green energy. We high-five when wild animals get a much deserved win – when their protection and habitat are prioritized. If a battle is won in the war to reach green sustainability, we will be there cheering from the sidelines and sharing the victory with our readers.

Unfortunately, the road to sustainability is a long one filled with obstacles. That’s why we do what we can to to remind the world that there’s a lot of work to do. Crises in animal welfare, setbacks in enacting green policies, and environmental disasters are troubling news to report.

But it’s news the people need to know. It’s the news that makes us think, that make us cry, that makes us mad, and makes us consider our role in the fight to go green.

So go get inspired by activists, get informed with guides to green living, then make a change in your own life to change our planet for the better.

Go read. Go share. Go act. Go Green.