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Published on Thursday, August 13, 2015

Staying Green in a Non-Green Environment

Staying Green in a Non-Green Environment

Staying Green in a Non-Green Environment

The hardest aspect of the green lifestyle for some people to tackle is the aspect of staying green in a non-green environment. It can be difficult to stay green in various environments as it is, but to stay green around people who are not practicing green living is a challenge that many choose not to accept. In fact, some will let go of their green lifestyle and green views to simply fit in. Here are a few ways to stay green in various non-green environments and to cope with those who do not share your views.

Do Not Push Your Views

You may find yourself becoming very defensive when it comes to your views around those who do not share those views. Unfortunately, people who are not into green living may have some preconceived notions about the topic. Though you may find yourself becoming defensive, the best way to cope with that is to shrug off the others views. If you can discuss your views openly or squash some of the myths about the green lifestyle then do so. But, if you find that you are unable to do so without feeling pressured or without feeling looked down upon, then step back before you begin pushing your views. Do not force others to see your views. If they come to it, let them do it in their own time.

Do Not Become Discouraged

Getting discouraged and leaving behind your green living values and lifestyle should not be an option. You may feel that it is the only option in order to stop the stress of being in a non-green environment. There are other options. Try to find ways to cope and still have aspects of your green lifestyle. You may be in a situation where green energy or green food is not an option. Try indoor gardening, choosing a solar powered keyboard for your computer or creating your own household cleaners and items. This will make it easier to deal with the non-green environment while still being green.

Let Others See Green

There are several stereotypes out there regarding the green lifestyle. These stereotypes can lead people to believe that someone who practices green living is crazy, over the top or that they are all members of radical green living groups. With an environment that pushes these types of stereotypes as truth, it can be easy to become frustrated and discouraged. Instead of giving into the negative aspects of the environment, choose to let others see green. Let them see how you live and take notice that that the green living lifestyle is not an extreme. Let them see how you live, love and enjoy life in a green view.
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Author: Organic Jeff

Categories: Research



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