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Published on Tuesday, August 18, 2015

How to Create a Green Dorm Room

How to Create a Green Dorm Room
Creating a green dorm room can be easier said than done, depending on the school that you attend or that your child attends. There are certain rules that have to be followed based on the dorm and the campus requirements. However, there are some easy choices that you can make to create a green dorm room without breaking any of the school's guidelines. Here are three easy ways to create a green dorm room that will work on most campuses.

Use Power Strips

Using power strips is the easiest way to begin going green in a dorm environment. This is for several reasons. Since most power strips regulate the amount of energy that goes to each outlet, the chance to consume less energy and be efficient with the energy that you use is increased. Another reason using power strips can help you go green in a dorm is their ease of use. You can unplug the power strip at night or when not in use. This means less energy consumption and a green lifestyle one step at a time for the campus.

Use or Start a Recycling Effort

Unfortunately, some campuses have forgotten about their recycling efforts that started a decade or more ago. Though some colleges are catching back on to the green concept, some have still left it behind. If your college offers a recycling effort, then take part in it as much as possible. If you do not have a recycling effort on campus, then start one. These are great ways to help create a green dorm life with recycling in your own room and stretch that idea to the dorm floor, dorm hall and to the entire campus.

Green Cleaning

Green cleaning efforts in the dorm room is one of the easiest ways to create a green dorm room. After all, green living does not stop and start with recycling and natural cotton sheets. Green cleaning and keeping the dorm room clean with natural cleaning supplies allows others to see your green living efforts and allows you to share the ability to clean without the use of harsh chemicals.

Solar and Energy Alternative Items

There are some great gadgets that you can purchase for dorm rooms that are green and Eco-Friendly. One of the gadgets that comes to mind is the water powered alarm clock. This is a great alarm clock that only requires water to run. No batteries, no electrical cords and best of all it is compact. You can also go for a solar powered cell phone charger and solar keyboard to cut back on increased energy uses.
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Author: Organic Jeff

Categories: Green Living



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