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Published on Thursday, December 24, 2015

Metal Powders Could Replacing Fossil Fuels


Metal Powders Could Replacing Fossil Fuels

Scientists and inventors have been continuously on a mission to find better and safer ways for people to live their lives while helping to preserve the planet and nature. One of the largest problems currently are safe and cost effective ways to run cars that are more renewable and cleaner than natural gas. However, a recent study is pointing to vehicles that can run on metal powder. This would be a more effective long term solution that current ideas that include batteries, hydrogen and bio-fuels, this would also be a more viable idea. Applied Energy published this article in their issue on December 15th covering the current known details. A professor from McGill University named Jeffrey Bergethorson stated that they are constantly on the move to create renewable resources and ways to take advantage of solar and wind power, this however, is not an option for running vehicles. He claims that none of the clean electricity providers can effectively take the place of all oil and gas items that are used especially transportation and global energy trade.

Fantastic Idea

A European Space Agency scientist, Berthorson and five other McGill researchers have drawn out a plan that shows how they can use small metal particles to power vehicles. These particles that are to run external-combustion engines will be no larger then fine ground flour or powdered sugar. These engines will be similar to the coal-fired steam locomotives used during the industrial era. These are currently already in use to generate power for coal, biomass fuels and nuclear power sources. Instead of the standard internal-combustion engine currently in use they will be pulling heat from the outside to power the engine.

The idea of burning metal powder is nothing new to the world. In fact this is how fireworks are able to work and the working concept that has been used in rocket propellants since the mid 20th century. Including the space shuttles booster rockets that are solid-fuel. However, nothing new has been sutdied in this recyclable fuel source in decades. Even though there is a great potential for the use of metal powders for a fuel source for vehicles.

Combustible Metals Can Be Recycled

Metal that is burned then becomes a stable solid that has no emissions unlike burning fossil fuels do. The metal will react with air when it hits it and the solid-oxide product is nontoxic unlike the CO2 that comes from fossil fuels when they hit air. Then the metal solid that is formed can be effectively and easily recycled.

During a demonstration of this new engine concept created by the McGill researchers they were able to see that the flame can be stable with a flow of small metal particles safely hanging in the air. They could see the similarity of the flames that are produced during the burning of hydrocarbon fuels with the flames that their metal particles made. They have claimed that the energy and power output will be close to the output that is created during the burning process of fossil fuels inside of internal combustion engines. They feel this will be a good aspect of production that will be attractive to society.


Currently they are convinced that the idea will work, however their next step is to actually be able to create a working prototype. This involves creating the engine and vehicle model and then making the two into a working unit that will actually run correctly when used. The current task is to find a working concept that can make a viable replacement for the use of fossil fuels and eliminate the emission of CO2.

David Jarvis who is the co-author of the study says that this is very important for the future because we are in desperate need of a way to power all vehicles that no longer uses fossil fuels. This will also reach as far as powering space ships as well as cars. He knows that finding a way to shift from previous vehicle propulsion methods to a renewable and zero emission type is vital to our world. He also feels that one positive step in this area will encourage more ideas and make the movement become more powerful.


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Author: Vrountas

Categories: Blogs, Companies, Transportation, Ways to Go Green, Energy & Power, Technology



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