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Published on Tuesday, May 2, 2017

An Alarming Look At What the Earth Might Look Like If Sea Levels Keep Rising


Climate change is a looming environmental issue that has been linked to ice melting at an alarming rate and rising sea levels. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, by the end of this century we could see sea levels rising by another meter or more. This poses problems to coastal communities that may experience serious flooding or be submerged completely. This Business Insider Science video gives us a visual of some of the cities that could disappear if all the Earth’s ice melted.

The video is based on National Geographic’s research on how the Earth would be affected if land ice was completed melted. According to their findings, if all of Earth’s land ice were to melt, the sea levels would rise by 216 feet and completely reshape the continents. In Australia, cities such as Sydney, Adelaide, and Perth would disappear. In North America the Atlantic seaboard would be non-existent, and on the west coast, cities such as San Diego, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle would be entirely under the Pacific Ocean. Seas within Europe would also expand and take out cities such as Venice and Barcelona. The video shows only a handful of the cities that would be affected by sea levels rising, but it’s important to note that the effects of melting ice are farther reaching than we can know.

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