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Published on Friday, April 8, 2016

Have Scientists Discovered The Secrets Of The Bermuda Triangle?


Have Scientists Discovered The Secrets Of The Bermuda Triangle?

Have scientists finally unearthed the secret of the Bermuda Triangle? Giant craters were recently discovered underwater by scientists, which they believe may hold the answer as to where ships go when they disappear without a trace. Bermuda Triangle, also referred to as the Devil’s Triangle, is notorious for claiming several ships and aircrafts thereby becoming one of the planet’s greatest mysteries. Very mysterious circumstances surround some of these accidents including one in which squadron of a U.S. Navy bombers pilots suffered disorientation while flying over the area. The planes were never found. Other planes and boats seemed to have vanished from the area in perfect weather, without even placing distress messages.

The Underwater craters were discovered in Barents Sea off the coast of Norway. It is believed that these craters resulted from a build-up of methane natural gas that later exploded. Although it is nowhere near the Bermuda Triangle that stretches from Florida to Puerto Rico and the mid-Atlantic island of Bermuda, scientists hope the craters are the key to explaining the puzzling phenomenon once and for all. All that’s required is a viable explanation as to the vanishing of ships in the Bermuda Triangle.

Scientists have discovered craters up to half a mile wide and 150ft deep, that they believe may have resulted from build-ups of methane off the coast of natural gas-rich Norway. The methane may have leaked from the natural gas’ deposits, deep below the surface and formed cavities that finally burst, according to scientists.

Researchers from the Artic University of Norway reported to the Sunday Times that several giant craters exist on the floor of the sea in the west-central area of Barents Sea. They believe that the crater area may represent one of the greatest hotspots for shallow marine methane release in the Arctic. Scientists claim that the explosions cause the craters to open up hence possibly endangering the vessels travelling on Barents Sea.

How it applies to the disappearance of ships at sea, scientists believe the same methane craters could unearth the mystery of the loss of ships in the Bermuda Triangle. In addition, it could potentially explain the loss of aircrafts and ships in controversial locations, according to the experts.

Igor Yektsov, a Russian scientist and the deputy head of the Trofimuk Institute stated last year that there is a version whereby the Bermuda Triangle is a result of gas hydrates reactions. They begin to actively decompose with methane ice converting into gas. Its occurrence resembles that of an avalanche, similar to a nuclear reaction, generating large quantities of gas. This reaction then makes the ocean heat up and ships sink in its waters mixed with a large portion of gas.

So, do these theories and the discovery of the large craters in the sea explain the mysterious disappearance of aircrafts and ships in the Bermuda Triangle? Maybe, maybe not -one thing for sure is that the Bermuda triangle is notorious for mysterious ship and aircraft disappearances, and there must be a valid explanation for this.

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Author: Vrountas

Categories: Blogs, Travel



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