People have been shocked to find blue dogs roaming the streets of Mumbai. The group of 11 blue dogs sparked concern among the locals and led them to complain to the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board. They reported a local dye manufacturer who was dumping dyes and industrial waste into the Kasadi River, where the dogs are often seen swimming. Since the complaints have been filed, the Pollution Control Board has investigated, and authorities have shut down the dye manufacturing company.
According to the Guardian, the dye manufacturing company is not the only factory that pollutes the Kasadi River. Hundreds of factories operate along the banks of the river, and there are growing health concerns among local communities and ecosystems. Arati Chauhan, head of the Navi Mumbai Animal Protection, posted on the organization’s Facebook page that “pollutants from Taloja Industrial area are not only ruining the water bodies affecting humans there but also affecting animals, birds, reptiles”. Data from the NGO Watchdog Foundation has found “977 chemical, pharmaceutical, engineering and food processing factories in the Taloja industrial area, located outside Mumbai.”