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Published on Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Is Keeping Track Getting You Off Track?


Is Keeping Track Getting You Off Track?
Keeping track of your fitness may be what is throwing you off of your fitness game. The constant monitoring can make exercise a drag instead of a joy. Especially if you constantly check your tracker to make sure you are always achieving the best workout possible.

In a study conducted by researchers from Duke University, they found that those that checked their progress more had less fun and enjoyed the same activities less since they started tracking their success. They felt greater accomplishment, but enjoyed the activity less. It might be smart to track your success, but how good is it for you?

These trackers are a reminder that you are supposed to be succeeding at any given moment in whatever activity you are participating in. Exercise may be done for the individual, but the tracker makes it a point that you achieve optimum results every time. The tracking makes the exercise more of a job than anything.

Some think that if you are already exercising, then tracking that exercise will help you maintain a better average and longer workout period. Longer does not necessarily mean better, though. says too much exercise can be bad for you. It can stress your heart and put it under too much pressure.

Starting the exercise routine with a tracker is a different story. The tracker can help an individual focus on their progress and their motivation for working out. The tracker does not have to take the fun out of the exercise, unless that is why you exercise. If one wants to hike, then a tracker may not be what is needed in this situation. No one keeps track of their heart rate when they are enjoying the beach, but if they are running on the beach, the tracker can help them maintain their perfect heart rate for a longer period of time.

There are those that thrive in the competition that the tracker can bring. Goal-oriented individuals may learn to achieve new goals by keeping track of their fitness regimen. It is this technology blended with health and fitness that has many up and running.

Are all fitness trackers alike? Of course they are not. There are many brands on the market and not all are fulfilling their promises. According to an article by Drew Hendricks, Nike FuelBands® are not equal to each other. Researchers tested two bands and fond that each band performed differently, even though it was the exact same workout.

In order to have a good workout, the heartrate must be at a certain level. The tracker is good for that. It can track your heartrate quite well. The step counter, well considering the huge gap that was found in the trackers, thousands of steps difference, the tracker may not be good for this.

If you want a tracker, make think about a placebo pill and then question, do you really need to track your every step? The tracker may say you have walked a thousand steps and burnt a thousand calories, when in reality you have only walked 700 steps and only burnt 456 calories.

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Author: NickRyan

Categories: Blogs, Consumer Products, Technology, Clothing, Exercise & Fitness



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