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Published on Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Organic Meat Isn’t Treated As Humanely As You Think


Organic Meat Isn’t Treated As Humanely As You Think
 The American citizens are known to love animals and many households have at least one pet. Industry, however, does not seem to care about the animals at all.  The horrifying facts show that billions of farm animals are being held in awful conditions in factory farms. The animals are being kept behind locked doors and treated simply like inanimate production units. Because of the severe conditions hundreds of millions of animals actually die each year before they get killed in the slaughterhouse.

Nowadays, consumers care much more about farm animals suffering. That is why such people are looking for alternatives to the industrialized meat, eggs and dairy products. Because of this trend, marketing labels often suggest farm animals are treated humanely. Unfortunately, this is rarely the truth. The eggs and the meat labeled “free-range” in market often come from animals that are being crowded by thousands and never let outside. The beef which is being claimed to be “natural” often comes from animals which were implanted with hormones.

Is Organic Humane?

Unfortunately, no, there is not such a relation. The organic label does not mean that such farm animals experience less cruelty. Again, they are overcrowded and confined. They are rarely let go outdoors, no matter that the organic standards require this. Organic animal agriculture is actually very similar to factory farming.

The deception of more humane organic agriculture actually works very well for the companies. When people consider that a product was produced in accordance with more humane and ethical standards, they are ready to pay more money. That is why food producers use this and take advantage by pretending that they offer more quality products.
Deceptive Labels

There is no way to prevent the deception. The main problem is that organic production and humane production standards are too weak, unclear, and definitely applied inconsistently.  Also, the much higher prices are quite inadequate having in mind that the products are actually not of a better quality.

But this is quite obvious for the producers – the American citizens consider that meat, milk and eggs which have the organic label come from farm animals which were treated better than animals in the conventional farm systems. But with no clear and consistent standards and a quite weak control, no one could actually guarantee you this. So, here is the bitter truth – when you buy ‘organic’ products, you probably pay a higher price only because of the successful marketing strategy of the company. You do no good to animals and do not save them the suffering in terrible farm conditions.

All animals, no matter whether they are our pets or farm animals which will become our food, deserve to be treated well. Their physical and emotional needs have to be met. They should not be treated as walking packages of food. But to ensure that standards are actually being kept, there must be a more strict control and clearer rules. Thus, ‘organic’ and ‘natural’ will actually mean some

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Author: Vrountas

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