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Published on Friday, June 9, 2017

Quick Tips for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint


Quick Tips for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

As the realities of global warming and climate change become more frequent and more alarming, we’re forced to ask ourselves: what can we do to help? While it might seem difficult to combat rising global temperatures, erratic weather patterns and melting polar ice caps, individual actions can go a long way in decreasing overall carbon emissions.


Check out these easy everyday ways you can reduce your individual carbon footprint and help combat climate change in your daily life:



  • Choose energy efficient appliances. Select appliances based on the size that you and your family need, not always going with the biggest and most energy guzzling model.

  • Turn off electronics when not in use. Unplug them from the wall to prevent extra energy loss.

  • Pick up fluorescent light bulbs instead of incandescent light bulbs. Fluorescent lights use almost 70% less energy than incandescent lights. These light bulbs also last longer which will save you money.

  • Ensure your home insulation is up to date and you’re not wasting extra energy heating and cooling a drafty home. Inexpensive fixes to consider include weatherstripping, caulking and using a programmable thermostat.

  • If possible, switch to water-conserving showerheads and toilets. Save water and energy by taking shorter showers, turning off the tap while you brush your teeth and washing your clothes in cold water.



  • Be efficient with your printing. Consider emailing or putting a file on a USB drive instead of printing it. If you must print, be sure to print on both sides of the page.

  • Turn off lights in unused spaces. If you have a desk lamp, you may not need the overhead light on. If everyone is at their desks, the light in the boardroom doesn’t need to be on.

  • Use power management settings on your computer and monitor. Be sure to power off your devices when you are away from your desk.



  • Buy and eat local. Local food is more energy efficient as it doesn’t waste valuable fuel shipping products across the country or even across the world.

  • Eat less meat. Producing meat, especially red meat, is incredibly energy intensive. Strive to incorporate more vegetarian meals into your diet.

  • Pack food for work/school and don’t waste any. This helps you save energy, save money and eat healthier!



  • If you have to fly, offset your carbon emissions by donating to a carbon offset program such as

  • Instead of driving, look into options for public transit, biking or walking. If you have to drive, try to combine as many errands into one trip as possible.

  • To save on your commute, consider telecommuting and working from home once a week or as often as your schedule allows.



  • Drive more efficiently. By driving better, you increase your miles per gallon of gas and decrease the carbon emissions of your car. Accelerate slowly, drive the speed limit, maintain a steady speed and anticipate stops and starts.

  • Stay on top of your car’s maintenance so it is as efficient as possible. Ensure your tires are properly inflated, your filters are checked regularly and any maintenance issues are solved as soon as possible.

  • If you’re in the market for a new car, read the EPA’s Green Vehicle Guide and select a fuel-efficient car.

  • If you are a two or more car household, ensure the car that is used most often is the car that is the most fuel-efficient, saving energy and money.

  • When possible, carpool!


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