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Published on Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Impacts of Irresponsible Cosmetics


The Impacts of Irresponsible Cosmetics

As the world becomes more globalized, our shared love for cosmetics is becoming a common language and form of art that unifies us more everyday. Unfortunately, little do we know that the makeup we wash off our faces after a long tiring day is having a disastrous effect on animal life all over the world.

Studies have shown that some ingredients in cosmetics end up in rivers, lakes, and oceans at high concentrations that can often be disruptive to the ecosystem as well as lethal to many animals. This information is not clearly advertised to your average buyer, but certainly should be: the most popular cosmetics are full of artificial chemical ingredients that are polluting the environment and are cancerous to humans.

Common Ingredients That Harm the Environment

The most commonly used ingredient that is presented as cutting edge cosmetic technology is microbead technology. Microbeads are small plastics made from the chemical polyethylene. Scientists have proven that in a generic shower gel, there is an equivalent amount of combined plastic in the gel itself as there is plastic in the bottle that holds it. Titanium dioxide, used in mineral makeup and sunscreens, is another commonly used chemical ingredient usually found as nanoparticles. This chemical has been observed to harm snail DNA and reduce the growth of phytoplankton. This is especially concerning since phytoplankton provides more than half of our planet’s oxygen and is a major food source for large amounts of aquatic animals. In fact, much of the entire aquatic food chain depends upon the survival of phytoplankton. Losing this marine species will lead to enormous decreases in oxygen levels on land and in water while dooming aquatic life as we know it.

Paraben is another common chemical preservative used to increase the shelf life of products. Scientists have gathered some in depth evidence that proves that paraben is causing hormonal damage in marine animals, playing a large role in killing our corals, and accumulating in the tissues of marine and land animals. Moreover, Triclosan is also commonly used to halt the growth of bacteria in cosmetic products. This chemical has been detected in extremely dangerous amounts in lakes and has been observed to reduce the lifespan of many organisms living in these lakes.

The Benefits of Using Alternative Natural Cosmetic Products

The best part about switching to natural cosmetic products is the relief of knowing that you are not applying any harsh chemical ingredients on your face, hair, or body. The evidence-backed negative impacts of synthetic chemicals in cosmetics are increasing everyday and have been proven to disrupt estrogen production, increase the likelihood of breast cancer, weaken the immune system, and cause premature aging in skin. Moreover, you also have the comfort of knowing that you are playing an active role in the fight for the environment against the harmful cosmetic industry and all the chemicals that are draining into our waters and disrupting the the natural habitats in our ecosystems.

Natural cosmetic products are also safe and non-aggravating for all types of skin, including sensitive skin. Additionally, the naturally made products are packed with beneficial vitamins that are extremely nourishing to the skin. The natural cosmetic industry relies on ingredients such as natural oils including coconut and vitamin E oil which not only contain large amounts of healthy antioxidants, but also create no harmful byproducts when used and disposed of on a daily basis.

Another common practice in companies that use laboratory-designed chemical ingredients is animal testing. The process of creating a cosmetic product usually includes a immense amount of testings and experimentations, many of which are done on animals including chimpanzees, rabbits, mice and more. These test are usually cruel, torturous and lethal to the animals involved. Natural cosmetic brands work actively against such tests and push the agenda of using ingredients that are already safe for human use and do not require rigorous tests.

Alternative Cosmetic Brands to Consider

Fortunately, the awareness of the dangers of chemical cosmetics has been spreading amongst the community and increasing the number of individuals switching to the natural cosmetic market. Moreover, countries such as the US and Canada have effectively taken action against the use of microbeads in cosmetic products by forcing companies to use alternative ingredients.


The increase in buyers looking for natural products has ignited a growth in the industry. This has made room for new companies that manufacture and sell natural and harmless products with the same quality and results acquired from generic brands and a mission to protect the environment. Some of the best alternative brands to consider for both skincare and makeup include Lush, Juice Beauty, Pacifica Beauty, Ecco Bella, Osea Malibu Natural Beauty, and Sparitual Skin Care.  

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Author: AThompson

Categories: Blogs, Consumer Products, Research, Health & Beauty, Animals & Wildlife



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