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Published on Monday, November 30, 2015

This Is What Happens When You Cross A Grizzly Bear With A Polar Bear


This Is What Happens When You Cross A Grizzly Bear With A Polar Bear



Through recent years American's have seen an increasing phenomena of animals interbreeding between different species of bears. The polar bear and grizzly have seen in increasing amounts across the New England territories in America. These cross breeds are known as either grolars or prizzly bears. With a more aggressive study of the different species and the introduction of DNA testing it is opening the door for a better look at cross-breeding. Now scientists can determine if new species are merely created by species evolution or the inter-breeding of different species.

Adaption To Nature 

            This phenomena is not strictly limited to bears. There are many other hybrids being seen throughout the New England territory, These hybrids include lynx, bobcats, flying squirrels, boreals, wolves, and coyotes. Studies arr currently being conducted to better understand the reasons behind the cross-breeding of many of these animals.

What Encourages Prizzly Hybrids 

            Scientists feel that many factors are encouraging the grizzly, polar bear hybrid development. Currently they believe many factors are affecting the events. One of these is the more then eighty percent of the New England territory has become covered by trees. This increases the habitat space for wild animals. By managing the grizzly hunting better they believe it has given grizzly bears a chance to move into polar bear territories. A biologist from University of Albert Andrew Derocher has reportedly said that “ A warming Arctic is not a bad thing for grizzly bears.”

            Previously scientist felt that that over-population of humans may be to blame for the newly hybrid animals. However, recently they have discovered many species have already been interbreeding more frequently then realized. In fact evidence of polar bears and grizzly bear cross-breeds has been found living off the coast of Alaska. Known as ABC bears they look like brown bears but DNA evidence has shown that a portion of their X-chromosome shows polar bear. However, there is no clear time-line as to when these two species began inter-breeding. With the polar bear being carnivore with a specialized palette that includes a hunger for seals and grizzly bears that are omnivore it seems an odd match. With the rare occasion of the breeding scientists believe that the interaction between these two species happens because of climate changes that push the bears together in their habitat.

  • Many Factors Still Need To Be Considered For Definitive Answers
  • Climate Changes Could Be A Factor
  • Moving of Glaciers During Warm And Cold Shifts Could Push Them Together
  • Scientists No Longer Think Human Population Has A Factor

New Discoveries Raising New Questions 

            Another fascinating discovery that has scientists reevaluating the notion of cross-breeding is the belief that offspring are always born sterile. In fact a bear shot by hunters proved to be second generation prizzly after DNA testing was completed. There was also a mother with cubs that look like grizzles that has recently been captured and tests are being done to determine genetic background.

  • Scientists Have Evidence That Hybrids Are Not Sterile
  • Second Generation Prizzly Bears Have Been Discovered
  • Evidence Of A History Of Interbreeding Has Been Happening Longer Then Previously Realized

            Everything points to the fact that more and more inter-species breeding may be seen in more varieties of animals. There are even suggestions that non-sister species can actually exchange genes. This is something that evolutionary biologist at Harvard stated “Long after speculation, even non-sister species can actually exchange genes, some of which are useful. It really gives a new appreciation for the power and capabilities of the way animals can and will adapt.

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Author: Vrountas

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