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Published on Monday, January 18, 2016

10 Foods That Will No Longer Exist If Climate Change Continues


10 Foods That Will No Longer Exist If Climate Change Continues

In recent years the push for protecting the world for climate change has had backing from a number of studies. Everything from the proof of raising yearly temperatures to the affects that the changing climates will have on different ecosystems. More recently a study has shown that the rising temperatures may actually cause certain plants to be unable to grow any more. Some of these plants include fruit bearing plants that people enjoy consuming. Here are the foods you may no longer be able to eat if the climate continues to change at its current rate.  


 1.                Avocados – This food is predicted to see a forty percent decrease in production over the next thirty years due to climate change. Many food enthusiasts will be upset at loosing a number of delicious meals that avocados can make. Football and Mexican food fans will be even more disappointed knowing the main ingredient for guacamole may soon suffer growth problems from the ever growing climate problems. Already the effects have been seen at some restaurants including Chipotle who has already considered taking guacamole off of the menu along with a few other items because of the affects of the climate change has had on food production. Chipotle reportedly uses ninety-seven thousand avocados a day, that is thirty-five million every year. To prevent a raising in their expenses they would rather remove the costly food from their menus.

 2.                Apples – Increases in global warming is wrecking havoc on the production of apples because they are not being exposed to the proper time frame of winter chills to have a good out put the following season. Scientists have been suggesting to farmer that they should cross germinate their apple trees to make apple plants that can produce at warmer temperatures than they currently do. The change will be noticeable to apple lovers because the cross breeding will cause the apples to have different flavors than the apples that we currently enjoy. A study conducted in Japan has shown that the shorter winter times encourage apples to bear fruit sooner with produces sweeter and softer apples. They say that apples tasted vastly different thirty years ago than they taste now.

 3.                Hops – Hops is one of the key ingredients in a good beer. With raising global temperatures the growing times for hops is reduced causing lower yields each year. People can already see a difference in the problem because sometimes breweries can not access the hops that they normally use for crafting their beer which causes changes to the flavor and consistency of the drink.

 4.                Potatoes – Potatoes are a staple for many meals in many countries. With the changing temperatures the potatoes predicted to completely stop growing in a time frame as short as forty years. With the temperature of the ground raising due to climate change potato farmers are finding it difficult to grow them where they normally due meaning they have been moving to higher altitudes to plant them.

 5.                Grapes – This delicate fruit was already hard for farmers to successfully grow due to weather conditions and animals. Now with the rapidly varying weather in France grapes are even harder to grow. First there will be rainstorms and hail followed by dry spells with now rain and extremely mild winters cause the grapevines to try to produce all year long essentially wearing them out much sooner.

 6.                Peanuts – Peanut butter may be much harder to find if the climate keeps causing issues with peanut plants. Peanut plants grow best on flat land which will become harder when they also need cooler temperatures to grow properly.

 7.                Coffee Beans – Higher temperatures around the globe are causing more and more fungus to attack coffee plants making it harder for the farmers to grow healthy bean producing plants. The current prediction is that coffee production will decrease sixty-five up to one hundred percent if the temperatures of the soil keeps increasing.

 8.                Cocoa Beans – Chocolate may be a popular item for Valentines at the moment, however those love birds may have to find new gifts if temperatures continue to wreck havoc on the cocoa bean plants. Currently, cocoa plants need to be one hundred to two hundred and fifty feet above sea level to grow., However, they predict that could increase to four hundred and fifty to five hundred feet about sea level at the current rate of climate change.

 9.                Seafood – The rate that the ocean is gaining acidity is causing much concern over the ability of marine life's ability to survive. Meaning that many marine animals including fish that human's ingest may not be able to survive in the changing ocean due to the acid levels.

 10.            Rice And Beans – Another victim on the climate changes are rice and beans. These foods also are affected by how the soil temperature continues to rise just as the over all temperatures of the globe. Higher temperatures mean that it is harder to maintain the optimal production needs for growing rice it can also mean that the ground may not be able to stay moist enough to grow rice.


The Problem


As scientists and studies suggest many things can be affected by the changing climates. Even the smallest shift can cause whole ecosystems to malfunction because they will no longer be able to sustain the life in those locations and other lives will be drastically affected by that. The verdict is out and it shows that climate change and global warming is real and is really upsetting the delicate balance of nature. The time for action is upon us before important parts of every living animals' life is killed off due to the changing temperatures. 

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Author: Vrountas

Categories: Blogs, Food & Cooking, Climate & Weather

Tags: nature


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