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Published on Tuesday, January 5, 2016

This Woman Spent 14 Years Photographing Some Of The Oldest Trees In The World


This Woman Spent 14 Years Photographing Some Of The Oldest Trees In The World


            For fourteen years California base photographer Beth Moon has search the world for the oldest trees as subjects for her photographs. She has even traveled to extremely remote areas to get some fantastic shots of the oldest trees she could find. She wanted to capture trees that very mighty and old and had a history in human lives as her subjects. Therefore, she attacked a variety of research methods to find majestic and towering trees across the globe to photograph.


Moon's Tree Subjects

            All the tree's that she decided to photograph was based on size and human history. When, she found any trees that had a link to specific human history she tried to ensure she captured it on film for commemoration. She also chose trees based on size. All this meant that she had to do her fair share of research before she traveled randomly around the world. Some trees are still around today because Moon chose them as subjects and they were hidden from civilization and brought them forth into the public's eye and gave them more information about their existence. Moon in fact believes that six species of tree located on the small island of Madagascar are gaining attention for being close to extinction because of her work. They are currently one of the most endangered species out of three located on the small island. They are known as baobabs and only exist on Madagascar.

Traveling For Photography

            Moon spent fourteen years of her life researching and traveling to photograph spectacular trees around the world. Many of them do hold a significant spot in certain histories around the world and she traveled to find and photograph these subjects. She was even noted to have traveled to extremely remote locations across the globe for some of her pictures. Many of these trees were hidden from civilization on mountain sides, protected reserves, and private estates. Prior to visiting each of these locations to photograph she did research on the ages and size of each subject.

Moon's Tree Legacy

            Beth Moon chose this project because of the edge that humanity is standing on. Many people have now come to the forefront of wanting to become more nature and world friendly. This is a great opportunity to show these beautiful and symbolic trees in all their natural and majestic glory to so the importance of trees. She feels that exhibiting these photos of trees can help bring forth more awareness for species that are in danger of becoming extinct. With the raising concern for natural preservation and saving the environment that our world has currently under took, Moon feels this is the perfect time to commemorate those timeless trees that have already survived for so long hidden away in the world. This is her way to celebrate those wonders of nature that have survived the most dangerous times over centuries of deforestation and logging booms and came out still standing and were able to grow to phenomenal treasures of nature. 










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Author: Vrountas

Categories: Blogs, Travel, Green Living

Tags: photography, trees, photographs, nature photography, nature


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