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Appleton Coated LLC

540 Prospect St, Combined Locks, WI 54113, 1(920) 788-3550

Combined Locks, Wisconsin, 54113

0 Reviews
3635 Profile Views
570 Number Of Employees
0.0 Average Rating

Appleton Coated LLC is a paper mill run out of Combined Locks, Wisconsin. The company focuses on the market of the coated paper industry, and produces a variety of coated and non-coated paper products, as well as printing products to distribute to their clientele. Appleton Coated emerged as a corporation in 1996, with their Utopian line and was bought out by Virus Holdings LLC in 2014. The company continues to run under the same name, producing the same basic products and services. The most common products distributed by Appleton Coated include commercial papers, textbooks, labels, and custom designs and products. The company works with several other corporations to provide printing and delivery services, and more, to their customers. Appleton Coated LLC stands as a philanthropic leader in their community and works to give back through donations of money and volunteerism. The company partners with the National Holiday Book Program, and the Fox Valley Literacy Coalition to provide books to children and organizations in their community and in other less prosperous areas that in need of the resources. The group is also extremely active with their Community Blood Center, and even received the 2010 award of excellence on behalf of the blood donations made by their employees. Appleton Coated maintains an ethically responsible image of their company, and values their employees, their customers, and their community.


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