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Microsoft Corporation

One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-7329, 1 (800) 642-767

Redmond, Washington, 98052

0 Reviews
4024 Profile Views
118584 Number Of Employees
0.0 Average Rating

The Microsoft Corporation is dedicated to creating productivity and business process through new technology and programs to better the work flow of the public. They aim to uphold standards of convenience, reliability and progress, and work to create the best platforms for the business and education world. Microsoft develops and sells software, hardware, and online advertising services to individuals and businesses. They have also recently become more inclined in projects involving laptop and mobile devices, video games, management tools, and the creation of applications for mobile devices. The Microsoft Corporation’s mission is to “empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more,” and they aim to create programs which will help people do so. Microsoft is also dedication to the community and is involved in citizen outreach programs to help provide innovative technology, and motivation to those in need, while also pairing with citizens to get feedback on products. The Microsoft Corporation is directly involved with over 100 countries worldwide, and is continuing to expand and grow their company. Their most popular products include the Windows Applications, and programs often used by business and school organizations including, the Microsoft office applications. Office 365, is one of their most recent world known programs which is continuously being operated on and updated, as the Microsoft Corporation is dedicated to serving their customers with the highest standards of programs.


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