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District of Columbia

1615 H Street, NWWashington, DC 20062, 1 (202) 347-720

Washington,DC, Washington, DC, 20062

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1090 Profile Views
33400 Number Of Employees
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The District of Columbia, also known as Washington, D.C. is the nation’s capital and the site of the federal government offices, the White House, and the Supreme Court buildings, as well as numerous monuments, museums, and libraries. The city was founded in 1790, and is home to many historical events that our country values. The location of the city rests along the Potomac River, and borders the states of both Maryland and Virginia. Currently, The District of Columbia functions as its own city within the birthplace of our country, and like any other city it works to improve the daily lives of its citizens, employees, and visitors. The District of Columbia is home to almost 7000,000 people, making it one of the most populated cities within the United States. The District of Columbia employs over 30,000 workers to upkeep the city, enhance the tourist experience, and monitor and govern the people within. Muriel Bowser is the current mayor of the District of Columbia, and is the 71st mayor of the district. She is currently working to add jobs in the community, improve the educational system of the district, and implement many other initiatives.


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