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BNY Mellon

225 Liberty St. New York, NY, 10281, 1 (212) 495-178

New York, New York, 10281

0 Reviews
1642 Profile Views
50300 Number Of Employees
0.0 Average Rating

BNY Mellon, formally known as Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, is a leading investment company, which provides services such as investment management, and wealth management for individuals and businesses in numerous markets around the globe. This company dates back to the times of our founding fathers, as the bank of New York was created in 1784 by Alexander Hamilton himself. It is one of the oldest and strongest banks in the world, lasting and succeeding for over 230 years. In 2007, the Bank of New York merged with the Mellon Financial Corporation, creating the new company named BNY Mellon. The company currently has assets of $28.5 trillion is custody and administration. BNY Mellon is also involved with over 100 markets all over the world. The BNY Mellon Company not only takes care of regular banking needs, but also provides advice for investing finances, and helps to manage personal as well as business assets. BNY Mellon works to support local, national, and international markets through global investments and economic growth. BNY Mellon upholds high standards and integrity within their business transactions at all levels. The company works to improve social and worldwide financial situations and is dedicated to keeping their customers happy through their financial services.


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