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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20460, (202) 564-4700

Washington, DC, Washington, DC, 20460

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1046 Profile Views
17000 Number Of Employees
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The Environmental Protection Agency was formed in December of 1970 with the main mission of serving and protecting the health and safety of the people of the United States, and also working to preserve and improve the conditions of the environment. The Environmental Protect Agency works to reduce the environmental risk of everyday life as well as business practices within the United States. The organization also takes part in creating and helping to implement initiatives working to improve human health, environmental resources, economic growth, better energy methods, and cleaner methods of transportation, agriculture works, and industrial business practices. The Environmental Protection Agency is responsible to creating and writing regulations for environmental laws made by Congress. They are able to help Congress meet the national standards for making laws regarding the environment of the United States. The Environmental Protection Agency also works to reinforce and regulate these laws, and helps large companies and corporations work to follow these laws to their standards. The Environmental Protection Agency conducts research to find better methods of efficient energy usage, and ways to reduce waste and carbon emissions. They also are able to provide grants to help fund state environmental programs, as well as aiding educational institutions in their environmental progress.


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