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JPMorgan Chase & Co.

270 Park Avenue New York NY 10017, 1(212)270-6000

New York, New York, 10017

0 Reviews
3600 Profile Views
265359 Number Of Employees
0.0 Average Rating

JPMorgan and Chase in an American-based company and a worldwide leader in financial and banking services. The company has over $2.4 trillion in global assets. JPMorgan and Chase Company has over 240,000 employees in more than 60 countries in banks and offices located around the world. The company itself dates back to 1799, and the original bank was opened in New York. JPMorgan and Chase is a conglomerate of several banks that have merged together to become one large, stable organization working to help customers with financial needs. The company also is invested in helping the global economy and works to help reduce gas prices for all. JPMorgan and Chase also works to create more resilient markets to help promote the global and national economy. A unique fact about the company is that JPMorgan and Chase has one of the largest corporate art collections in the world, with over 30,000 pieces of artwork in over 450 different offices around the world. Through these pieces, the company promotes creativity and culture, and even loans art to museums, creates exhibits, and educational opportunities to fund philanthropic events and charities through the company. JPMorgan and Chase Co prides itself on being a workplace that foster creativity, respects diversity, and honors honesty in all business transactions.


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