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State of Illinois

207 State House Springfield, IL 62706, 1(217)782-0244

Springfield, Illinois, 62706

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The state of Illinois was added in 1818 as the 21st state incorporated into the United States. Illinois was named after the Illinois Indians, which inhabited the area before it became an official state. The state now is home to almost 13 million people, with about 3 million people residing in the city of Chicago alone, making it the largest city in the state. The state capital of Illinois is located in Springfield, Illinois. The state government is led by the current state governor Republican Bruce Rauner. Illinois is known as the “Land of Lincoln,” due to Abraham Lincoln’s strong presence in the state, and has also been nicknamed as the “Prairie State,” for its rolling hills and meadows. The state is known for being a top spot for agriculture and farming in the Midwest and specializes in growing corn, wheat, and soybeans. Overall, the state has 102 different counties and 1433 townships. Illinois is known for having the most governing bodies, including governments at the state, county, city, and township levels. The state was home to President Barack Obama, who served on the Illinois Senate prior to running for office. The state of Illinois has a total gross state product of $630 billion dollars, much of it coming from large corporations residing in the Greater Chicago Area and suburbs.


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