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Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority

McCormick Place, 301 East Cermark Road, Chicago, IL 60616, 1 (312) 791-750

Chicago, Illinois, 60616

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1398 Profile Views
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The Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority was created by the Illinois General Assembly to help manage and improve the conditions of McCormick Place and Navy Pier. Through the lead of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority McCormick Place Advisory Council, which remains in constant communication with the Illinois General Assembly, the group works to improve conditions for tourists to increase activity and promote safety, but also works to plan conventions and manage the financial estate of the properties. The Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority is also in charge of planning many public events and expositions within the city of Chicago, as the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place is top venue for many events in the city. These events bring money and promotional value to the city, making the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority an extremely important group to ensure everything is planned, and run smoothly. The group partners with several corporate businesses and employs hundreds of vendors to plan major events for the city. Some of the more popular events include trade shows and auto shows at McCormick Place, and holiday events and fireworks at Navy Pier. The Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority works with the state to generate support and funds into the city, and sustain the city’s well-being, both financially and physically.


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