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State of Wisconsin

2 E Main St, Madison, WI 53703, 1 (608) 266-121

Madison, Wisconsin, 53703

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1110 Profile Views
38000 Number Of Employees
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The State of Wisconsin was formed in 1848 and was the 30th state to be brought into the union. Since then, the state has grown to be the home of over 5.7 million people through its booming cities, and universities. The capital of the state is Madison, Wisconsin, and houses over 240,000 people. The state is home to the University of Wisconsin–Madison, the largest university in the state, and also had many other branches of the University of Wisconsin located around the state. While Madison may be the capital, the largest city within the state of Wisconsin is the city of Milwaukee, wich is located on the Eastern edge, right along Lake Michigan. The state is a popular tourist spot for their big cities, and also for the area of the Wisconsin Dells. The Wisconsin Dells is a vacation spot, and offers many hotels and resorts with indoor and outdoor polls, waterparks, and more fun attractions that are open year-round. Wisconsin is known for their professional sports teams, the Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club, the Milwaukee Admirals Hockey Team, the Milwaukee Bucks Basketball team, and perhaps the most famous, the Green Bay Packers Football team. Wisconsin is known for producing great dairy products, especially cheese, and people of the state are often referred to by outsiders as “cheese heads.”


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