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Best Buy

7601 Penn Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55423, 1 (877) 415-348

Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55423

0 Reviews
1403 Profile Views
125000 Number Of Employees
0.0 Average Rating

The Best Buy Corporation is a top provider of technology and as services regarding the use of such devices. These devices include laptops, personal computers, printers, game systems, mobile devices, home appliances, and more. The store not only services individual customers but also helps educators and small businesses with special services and products to aid in their professional lives. One of their popular services include Geek Squad, a service Best Buy partners with to serve their customers. Geek Squad is a service force that works 24/7 to help customers troubleshoot technical issues and set up new devices and wireless service routers. The corporation was started in 1966, under the name of Sound of Music, but officially became known as Best Buy in 1983. Since its start, Best Buy has grown immensely and now has over 1,400 stores and offices across the United States, and also in Canada and Mexico. As for the stores within the United States stores, Best Buy knows how to support their customers and be a convenient one-stop shop by finding the best locations to put their stores. In fact, more than 70 percent of the population within the United States is located within 15 minutes of the store. Best Buy also sells many of their products and services online, and offered delivery service and over the phone customer service to their shoppers.


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