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Carnegie Mellon University

5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, 1(412) 268-2000

Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, 15213

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1199 Profile Views
4000 Number Of Employees
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Carnegie Mellon University is a private college university located in Pittsburg Pennsylvania. It was founded in 1900 as the Carnegie Technical School and later became Carnegie Mellon University in 1967 when it merged with the Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. The Carnegie Mellon University is a world renowned college that has educated over 98,000 alumni. The university currently has just over 12,000 student enrolled in undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs. As a whole, the university is known for great advancements in technology and research. The university is known for its robotics programs and has even worked with major organizations like NASA and Cadillac to help improve their innovations. Carnegie Mellon University has also been recognized for its computer science program, along with their courses in accounting and finance, business, and even has received praise for their theatre productions. The university encourages creativity, learning and diversity. Carnegie Mellon University works to educate students from around the globe, and currently has students from over 115 countries around the world enrolled within the university. In fact, over 35 percent of the current student population on campus come from foreign nations. The Carnegie Mellon University Tartans participate in 17 different sports at a division III level. The university also participates in on campus events and traditions that foster the Scottish heritage of university founder, Andrew Carnegie.


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