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The World Bank Group

"1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433", 1(202) 473-1000

Washington, DC, Washington, DC, 20433

0 Reviews
2823 Profile Views
12000 Number Of Employees
0.0 Average Rating

The World Bank Group is a financial group that provides loans, investment advice, banking services, and more to about 188 different countries in the world. The World Bank Group directly works to help end poverty and create a more prosperous world economy through investments and profits of the banking services. Their goal is to decrease the number of people living off only $1.25 a day to less than 3 percent by the year 2030. The group also works to improve gender equality, reduce child mortality, get better education around the world, fight deadly diseases, improve maternal health, and also work to find environmentally sustainable methods within the workplace. With such lofty goals and a humanitarian mindset The World Bank Group partners with several nonprofit and research groups around the globe to forward these results. Some of these groups include The Carbon Fund, Roll Back malaria, Education for All, the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research, and more. The company relies on strong policies of honesty, ethical values, and good will to promote their brand and reach their goals. As for the company itself, it was created in 1944, and has since worked to help people manage their own funds, and also raise funds to invest in developing countries around the globe.


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