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State of Connecticut

140 Main St, Torrington, CT 06790, 1 (800)406-1527

Torrington, Connecticut, 6790

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227433 Number Of Employees
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The state of Connecticut was added in 1788 as the 5th state within the union. The state is named after the Connecticut River, which runs directly through the middle of the state. Connecticut was one of the original thirteen colonies of the United States of America. The capital of Connecticut is Hartford, yet the largest city within the state is actually Bridgeport, Connecticut with a total population of almost 150,000 people. The state of Connecticut as a whole has a total population is about 3.6 million people. The state of Connecticut values higher education and strong government practices, and is the birthplace of former President George W. Bush. The State is also home to many top tiered universities, including the Ivy League Yale University located in New Haven, Connecticut, which is the third oldest institution of higher education within the United States. Connecticut is considered a part of the New England region and is the southernmost state of New England. The state borders Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey. It is considered part of the Tri-State Area, along with New York and New Jersey. The current governor of the state of Connecticut is Democrat Dannel P. Malloy. Malloy took office in January of 2011, and is the 88th governor of the state.


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