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Boeing / South Carolina

3455 Airframe Dr, North Charleston, SC 29418, 1(312) 544-2000

North Charleston, South Carolina, 29418

0 Reviews
1236 Profile Views
7500 Number Of Employees
0.0 Average Rating

Boeing South Carolina was created in 2004 when two companies, Vought Aircraft Industries Charleston Operations and Global Aeronautical LLC. The site did not start production until 2011, and the first finished product came out of the facility in 2012. Merged together to form the brand. Boeing South Carolina is located just south of the Charleston Air Force Base and the Charleston International Airport. The site of Boeing South Carolina is an assembly production line which works to build aircraft carriers for Boeing’s Commercial Airlines. In their South Carolina sector of Boeing, the line focuses on designing, manufacturing, and delivery of these parts to other branches of the company. The South Carolina branch of Boeing is seen as the last site in the line of production, and works to finish and touch up the latest innovations in airliners. The site specifically focuses on certain types of planes, one of them being the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, a twin engine jet airplane which can hold and transport up to 335 passengers. Along with creating airplanes, the corporation has also worked to improve their community and increase education about engineering and science by reaching out to middle schools and high schools through their Dream Learners program, which helps educate and engage students within the world of engineering. Since 2012, the company has reached out to over 100,000 students through their Dream Learner program.


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