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Northwestern University

633 Clark St, Evanston, IL 60208, 1(847) 491-3741

Evanston, Illinois, 60208

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1093 Profile Views
10700 Number Of Employees
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Northwestern University is located in Evanston, Illinois and is a top rated private university. The school was founded in 1851, and has since become a university with 12 different colleges and three separate campuses located in Evanston, Chicago, and Doha, Qatar. The college is a top rated university and is ranked as the number 12 school in the nation. Northwestern University also has several nationally ranked schools within the university including the school of education, the school of business, the school of law, and the school of medicine and sciences. The university has 19 different intercollegiate competitive sports teams that complete at the NCAA division I-A level. Their basketball team competes within the Big Ten national conference. The university has a total enrollment of over 21,000 students, at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Northwestern University ensures that the quality of life and education for students is enhanced by the many social and academic groups on campus. There are over 500 registered student organizations on campus for students to interact and meet others with similar interests. The University overall has a total endowment of $10.5 billion dollars and works to provide scholars in need with grants and scholarships to financially support their education. The school also offers athletic scholarships to their top athletes.


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