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U.S. Army / Fort Carson

6151 Specker Ave, Fort Carson, CO 80913, 1(719) 526-5811

Fort Carson, Colorado, 80913

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13183 Number Of Employees
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Fort Carson is an Army base of the United States Army based in Fort Carson, Colorado. The base is a division of the United States Army Special Forces, and lies over a tract of 137,000 acres of land. While Fort Carson is primarily a base for the United States Army, it also has some units of the United States Army Reserve and the United States Naval Reserve, as well as the National Guard of Colorado. The Garrison is in the 4th Infantry Division and the 10th Special Forces Group. Fort Carson is known as the best hometown in the Army. It was founded in 1942 and it still one of the youngest Army bases, yet is considered to be one of the best Army training facilities in the world. The overall mission of the base of Fort Carson is to prepare and train groups of soldier for deployment. The training staff along with the soldiers in training work to help in community, state, national, and international areas to serve the country and state levels and protect the people and fellow soldiers. Fort Carson also works to take care of the soldiers and the families of the soldiers within their divisions, by providing healthcare services, along with education and employment opportunities, religious resources, and more.


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