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U.S. General Services Administration / Region 2

24 Federal Plaza, New York, NY 10007, 1(866)928-2008

New York, New York, 10007

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1239 Profile Views
700 Number Of Employees
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The United States General Services Administration Region 2, also known as the Northeast and Caribbean Region, is the region’s independent government agency that works to support federal agencies and the people of the United States. The United States General Services Administration Region 2 is located out of New York, and works to help the State of New York, as well as New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and even the United States Virgin Islands. The Northeast and Caribbean Region is one of 11 regions of the United States General Services Administration. The United States General Services Administration Region 2 works to provide several different services to the people and the federal agencies in the area. These services include telecommunications options, fleet management and property management, offering a global supply of office supplies, and more solutions. The United States General Services Administration Northeast and Caribbean regions was given $480 million dollars as a part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to help improve the structures of the region through new construction projects with a focus on sustainable methods of construction. Twenty-four buildings within the United States General Services Administration Region 2 will undergo small projects and construction to improve the structure and sustainability of the facilities, with the funds provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.


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