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The City University of New York

205 E 42nd St, New York, NY 10017, 1(212) 997-2869

New York, New York, 10017

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40000 Number Of Employees
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The largest urban university, the City University of new York, resides within New York City. It was created by the New York Legislature in 1961 to help organize a system of higher education within the city. The City University of New York is the public university system of New York and has 24 different campuses spread out across New York City. These campuses contain different types of learning institutions, including community colleges, senior colleges, graduate schools, and professional schools. There are also online classes, and research resources available to students within the City University of New York System. Combining all of their campuses, the university has over 500,000 students enrolled in several schools within the college. The university in active within their community, and partners with government, research, and nonprofit organizations on several projects with the well-being of the city in mind. These organizations also partner with the university to provide internship and fellowship opportunities for students, a major component of the professional learning experience for students on campus. The City University of New York School System works to provide accessible education for those around the city, and the world. The university values a passion for learning, research, and leadership, and hopes to instill these values within the students enrolled in the university.


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