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U.S. General Services Administration / Region 7

819 Taylor St, Fort Worth, TX 76102, 1(913)551-7003

Fort Worth, Texas, 76102

0 Reviews
1367 Profile Views
1200 Number Of Employees
0.0 Average Rating

The Unites States General Services Administration Region 7, also known as the Unites States General Services Administration Greater Southwest Region, works to help federal agencies and other government groups within the area to help the people and ensure that the funds and services of the United States Federal Government are being used properly. The United States General Services Administration Region 7 focuses on serving the people and the federal government agencies located in the southern and western states of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. The United States General Services Administration Region 7 has over 1,200 employees and also works to support over 1,300 federal workers employed through other government buildings. The company works to provide information technology services, office buildings and spaces, telecommunications services, fleet management, and more. The General Service Administration works with their Greater Southwest Acquisition Center to provide extra services including power tools and other work products to aid the government organizations in the region. The regional administration of the Greater Southwest Region of the United States General Services Administration is Sylvia Hernandez, who works with the group of administrators to oversee projects and initiatives within the region’s jurisdiction. The organization also partners with other business and groups to help provide financial aid for the greater good of the region.


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