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U.S. General Services Administration / Region 5

230 s Dearborn Street, Chicago, IL 60604, 1(817) 978-2321

Chicago, Illinois, 60604

0 Reviews
1177 Profile Views
950 Number Of Employees
0.0 Average Rating

The United States General Services Administration Region 5, more commonly referred to as the United States General Services Administration Great Lakes Region, sits right along the great lake of Lake Michigan in the city of Chicago. The General Services Administration Great Lakes Region works to provide services and federal aid through the United States government within the Midwest region along the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes Region of the United States General Services Administration covers the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. These services include providing work and office spaces for governmental needs, telecommunication and network connections, fleet management, computer software technology and security, and more. The General Services Administration works to integrate the federal government into the regions of the United States to better serve the American people and provide more resources to benefit the country. The Great Lakes Region control over 1,000 government-owned properties and over 15,000 vehicles and trucks to serve these facilities. The General Services Administration Great Lakes Regions has worked to fund local small businesses by awarding over $74.8 million to several locations in the area. This money has helped to securer the financial status of these businesses as well as the jobs of many people employed in the area. The General Services Administration continues to provide services and funding for government buildings and other businesses with the well-being of the American people in mind.


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