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U.S. Department of the Treasury

1500 Pennsylvania Ave nw Washington,DC 20220, 1(202)622-2960

Washington, DC, Washington, DC, 20200

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1172 Profile Views
100000 Number Of Employees
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The United States Department of the Treasury is the department of the federal government of the United States that specifically deals with the finances of the country. Some of the executive duties of the United States Department of the Treasury include printing and coining the official currency of the country, and also helping the Internal Revenue Service collect taxes from the citizens and businesses of the United States. The United States Department of the Treasury is also responsible for handling the finances and debt load of the nation, and works to spend money in ways that are fiscally responsible and smart for the country’s economy. The United States Department of the Treasury works to maintain a strong economy, and improve the growth of the nation’s finances and markets. The treasury has two separate departments, the Departmental offices that take care of the planning and the management of the treasury, and the operating bureaus that carries out the plans and enforces the taxes, coins the money, and performs the main duties of the Department of the Treasury. The United States Department of the Treasury is led by the Secretary of the Treasury, who works to represent the Department of the treasury and collaborate with other administrators to recommend finical polices, and help to aid in fixing the public debt of the nation. The current secretary of the Treasury is Jacob J. Lew, serving as the 76th Secretary of the Treasury.


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