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University of Missouri

Columbia, MO 65211, 1(573) 882-2121

Columbia, Missouri, 65211

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1057 Profile Views
13000 Number Of Employees
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The University of Missouri, also referred to as Mizzou, is a public university that is located in Columbia, Missouri. The school is one of the oldest institutions of higher education that is located west of the Mississippi River, and dates back to the founding date of 1839. The school was founded with the principles of teaching, learning, research, service, and financial growth instilled within the core of the university. The school offers not only undergraduate majors, but has a graduate program, a medical school, a veterinary school, and a law school. The University of Missouri has a total of over 35,000 student enrolled in the public university. The University of Missouri’s athletic teams participate at the NCAA division I-A, and compete in the Southeastern Conference, also known as the SEC. There are over 20 teams at the varsity level, but more than 40 additional recreation and club sports involved with the university as well. The university has a net value of about $2.2 billion dollars in total, and works to invest in the research studies of students and professors to foster innovation and creation within the campus. The University of Missouri functions as a global university, with a wide diversity of students enrolled within the campus, and online classes taken by people of many different backgrounds. The school has over 2,000 international students from more than 100 different countries enrolled in the university.


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